New Brownstown Elementary Playground
The Brownstown Elementary school has a new playground! This project was spearheaded by Mrs. Lori Ditzler, a kindergarten teacher, with lots of patience, friends and a savvy for business! After having lots of rainfall during the week, the sun shone brightly on Saturday, May 17 and the plan was put into action. Many volunteers showed up, ready, willing, able and excited.
The construction team started the day off with prayer and giving thanks to God for His blessings. Then came a rag tag team of volunteers from Emmanuel, armed with all kinds of donations from the volunteers behind the scenes. From grilled hot dogs and barbeque and matching buns, loads of cookies, brownies and fruit, chips and lots of water and other drinks, we were ready to help. After working all morning, the first shift came for some lunch and the second shift got their instructions. The workers thanked our church for the food, repeatedly!
It was an amazing sight to see all those faithful people working together, as the poles, ropes and cement started coming together into a playground. Many of these people worked well after six and still have things to finish. BUT, it is a sight to behold!
Thank you to Dottie Feiler, Jane Imhoff, Stacy Greusel & Jude Summers for your help to serve the lunch. And thank you to all who donated food items. Your response was wonderful!
Thank You
A big THANK YOU to everyone who participated in choir and provided Special Music throughout the year. We look forward to hearing their beautiful music again this fall. If you would like to provide Special Music this summer, please let Stephanie know as soon as possible.
Donations to Food Banks
Starting in September you have been bringing non perishable food to the church each week. At the end of each month these items have been delivered to either the Ephrata Area Food Bank or to the Conestoga Valley Food Bank. It is so heartwarming to see each month that the members of Emmanuel care about those who are less fortunate. When we deliver the food the people who work at the food banks express their thanks as there are more and more people every month who come for help.
Please, as you shop, remember that there are many people right here in our back yards who go hungry each day. God instructed us to feed the hungry, Thank you for all that you are doing to help fulfill this command.